Jim Endersby (2007). A Guinea Pig's History of Biology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Chapter 3. Homo sapiens: Francis Galton’s fairground attraction Chapter 6. Drosophila melanoga… Jim Endersby (2007). A Guinea Pig's History of Biology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Chapter 3. Homo sapiens: Francis Galton’s fairground attraction Chapter 6. Drosophila melanoga… Kennedy, S. (2024). Ectogenesis and the value of gestational ties. Bioethics [Early View]. 序 近年、新生児集中治療のために、部分的体外発生技術の開発… Räsänen, J. (2017). Ectogenesis, abortion and a right to the death of the fetus. Bioethics, 31(9): 697–702. 1. 序 中絶の権利の主要な擁護者は、妊娠を… Kieval, P. H. (2024). Artificial achievements. Analysis, 84(1): 32–41. 【要約】 ・AlphaGoのような人工知能による達成(achievements)は、「達成とは何か」に関する近年の哲学的理論の観点か…
Earth's Deep History: How It Was Discovered and Why It Matters作者:Rudwick, Martin J. S.University of Chicago PressAmazon Martin J. S. Rudwick (2014) Earth's deep history: how it was discovered and why it matters. Chicago: University of Ch… Jim Endersby (2007). A Guinea Pig's History of Biology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Chapter 3. Homo sapiens: Francis Galton’s fairground attraction ←いまここ Chapter 6. Drosophil… Ley, M., & Rambukkana, N. (2021). Touching at a distance: Digital intimacies, haptic platforms, and the ethics of consent. Science and Engineering Ethics, 27: 63. 序 触覚技術の発… Salomons, T. V., & Iannetti, G. D. (2022). Fetal pain and its relevance to abortion policy. Nature Neuroscience, 25(11), 1396–1398. 2022年6月24日、米国最高裁は15週を超える妊娠の中絶… Clarke, S., Giubilini, A. and Walker, M.J. (2017), Conscientious Objection to Vaccination. Bioethics, 31: 155-161. 1. 序 本論文は次の2つの問いの… Milburn, J. (2016). Chewing Over In Vitro Meat: Animal Ethics, Cannibalism and Social Progress. Res Publica 22: 249–265. 培養肉は、畜産による動物の死と苦痛の問題を解決するように見… Derbyshire, S. W. and Bockmann, J. C. (2020). Reconsidering fetal pain. Journal of Medical Ethics, 46:3-6. 【このブログ内の関連記事】 序論 1983年、レーガン大統領が、胎児が「痛みに反応する」可能性に言及し… Schaefer, G. O. and Savulescu, J. (2014). The Ethics of Producing In Vitro Meat. Journal of Applied Philosophy 31: 188–202. 4節 カニバリズム 培… Bobier, C. (2020). Should We Eat the Human-Pig Chimera? Food Ethics 5: 15. 【要約者によるまとめ】 キメラ動物の飼育環境は、工業畜産環境よりマシである。 移植臓器を摘出した後のヒト-… Kristen Intemann (2020). Understanding the Problem of “Hype”: Exaggeration, Values, and Trust in Science. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 52(3), 279–294. 【要約者によるまとめ】 ハイプと… Timothy Caulfield (2016). Ethics Hype? Hastings Center Report, 46(4): 13–16. 「科学ハイプ」(science hype) –– 研究結果の価値や近未来の応用可能性を誇…
Earth's Deep History: How It Was Discovered and Why It Matters作者:Rudwick, Martin J. S.University of Chicago PressAmazon Martin J. S. Rudwick (2014) Earth's deep history: how it was discovered and why it matters. Chicago: University of Ch…
Earth's Deep History: How It Was Discovered and Why It Matters作者:Rudwick, Martin J. S.University of Chicago PressAmazon Martin J. S. Rudwick (2014) Earth's deep history: how it was discovered and why it matters. Chicago: University of Ch…
Earth's Deep History: How It Was Discovered and Why It Matters作者:Rudwick, Martin J. S.University of Chicago PressAmazon Martin J. S. Rudwick (2014) Earth's deep history: how it was discovered and why it matters. Chicago: University of Ch… Shepherd J. (2022). Non-human moral status: problems with phenomenal consciousness. AJOB Neuroscience, 1–10. Advance online publication.…
Earth's Deep History: How It Was Discovered and Why It Matters作者:Rudwick, Martin J. S.University of Chicago PressAmazon Martin J. S. Rudwick (2014) Earth's deep history: how it was discovered and why it matters. Chicago: University of Ch… Ives, J., & Dunn, M. (2010). Who's arguing? A call for reflexivity in bioethics. Bioethics, 24(5), 256–265. 2つの生命倫理…
Earth's Deep History: How It Was Discovered and Why It Matters作者:Rudwick, Martin J. S.University of Chicago PressAmazon Martin J. S. Rudwick (2014) Earth's deep history: how it was discovered and why it matters. Chicago: University of Ch…
Cecil Alec Mace (1949), "Review: Ryle, G., The Concept of Mind", Listener, 42, p. 1015. 以下は上記書評の翻訳です。 ◇ ◇ ◇ 機械の中の幽霊 ギルバート・ライル『心の概念』、ハチンソン、12シリング6ペンス オックスフォード大学の形而上学的哲学ウェ…
The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy) (English Edition)RoutledgeAmazon Woodard, Christopher (2016). Hybrid Theories. In G. Fletcher (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being, pp.… Alexander von Humboldt 1847[1849] Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, vol.2. Translated by E. C. Otté. London: Henry G. Bohn. THE IMAGE REFLECTED BY THE EXTERNAL WORLD ON THE IMAGINATION......, p… Edward Caird (1889). The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Vol. 1. Glasgow: James Maclehose & Sons 第1巻 純粋理性批判 第2章 感性論 カントのジレンマを抜け出そうとするトレンデレンブルクの試み(pp. 306-307) トレンデレンブルク…
What Is This Thing Called Happiness? (English Edition)作者:Feldman, FredOUP OxfordAmazon Fred Feldman (2010). What is This Thing called Happiness? Oxford University Press. 5 Whole Life Satisfaction concepts of Happiness ※要約者により大幅に… Alexander von Humboldt 1847[1849] Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, vol.2. Translated by E. C. Otté. London: Henry G. Bohn. THE IMAGE REFLECTED BY THE EXTERNAL WORLD ON THE IMAGINATION......, p… Brian Rappert and Michael J. Selgelid (eds.) (2013), On the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics: Principles, Practices, and Prospects, Canberra: ANU E Press. 1. Michael J. Selgelid, Ethics and Dual-Use …