Why We Cooperate (Boston Review Books)
- 作者: Michael Tomasello,Carol Dweck,Joan Silk,Brian Skyrms,Elizabeth S. Spelke,Deborah Chasman
- 出版社/メーカー: The MIT Press
- 発売日: 2009/08/28
- メディア: ハードカバー
- 購入: 4人 クリック: 75回
- この商品を含むブログ (7件) を見る
- Tomasello, M. (2009) *Why We Cooperate?* (MIT Press)
I only propose that the kinds of collaborative activities in which young children today engage are the natural cradle of social norms of cooperative variety. This is because they contain the seeds of the two key ingredients. First, social norms have force. This can come from the threat of punishment for norm violators, but norms have a rational dimension as well. In mutualistic collaborative activities, we both know together that we both depend on one another for reaching our joint goal. This basically transforms the individual normativity of rational action -- to achieve this goal. I should do X (characteristic of all cognitively guided organisms) -- into a kind of normativity of joint rational action -- to achieve our joint goal, I should do X, and you should do Y. If you don't do Y, the cause of our failure is your behavior, and that make me angry at you. If I don't do my part, again we fail, but in this case I feel sympathy for your plight (and maybe anger at myself). The force of cooperative norms thus comes from our mutually recognized interdependence and our natural reactions to failures of of ourselves and others. pp. 89-90